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Memorable Moments And Lines

Baymax: Inspiring Quotes from Big Hero 6

Memorable Moments and Lines

Baymax's Touching Quotes

Baymax, the lovable robot from Disney Pixar's Big Hero 6, has captured hearts with its soothing presence and wise words. One of Baymax's most memorable moments occurs less than ten minutes into the film when it assesses Hiro Hamada's pain level, famously asking, "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" This line has become iconic, perfectly encapsulating Baymax's compassionate nature.

Baymax's Inspiring Messages

Baymax's quotes extend beyond humor, often delivering heartwarming and inspiring messages. When Hiro feels lost and alone, Baymax reminds him, "You are not alone. I am here with you." These simple words offer solace and reassurance, reminding us of the importance of friendship and support.

Baymax also encourages Hiro to embrace his potential, saying, "You are faster than you think." This quote inspires us to believe in ourselves and strive for greatness. Baymax's words remind us that even though we may have setbacks, we should never give up on our dreams.
